March 14 07:29 Friday AM

Jeff Shumaker



Steve Yambor



Serving all of Metro Atlanta; Georgia; Florida; Alabama; Tennessee, South Carolina and most other states.




Companies We Represent

  • Health
    • Blue Cross Blue Shield
    • Aetna
    • Humana
    • Coventry
    • Golden Rule
    • CIGNA
  • Life
    • American General
    • Genworth
    • ING
    • Transamerica
    • The Guardian
    • Mutual of Omaha
    • North American
    • Prudential
    • MetLife
  • Disability
    • Assurity
    • Union Central
    • Mutual of Omaha
    • The Guardian
    • The Standard
    • Mass Mutual
  • Long Term Care
    • Transamerica
    • Mutual of Omaha
    • Genworth


Individual Products
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Protect your Families' Future with Live Insurance from Allegiance Benefits at WorkLIFE INSURANCE - for most people life insurance is the lost important financial planning decision they will ever make. The loss of a loved one is a tragedy no matter when it occurs, however, life insurance is there to minimize the financial worries. Whether it is for income replacement, debt coverage - for example a mortgage, ensuring funds are available for children’s college educations, tax planning, leaving an inheritance (for family, church, school, other institution), or simply for final expenses we can help you decide on the right type and amount of life insurance with the best and most economical option for you and your family. We have access to dozens of the best carriers, which are all financially A-Rated.

We have a proven process to help you easily and confidently, identify as well as quantify your family’s insurance needs using the best alternatives available in complete confidentiality. Give us a call or send us an email today.

MAJOR MEDICAL/HEALTHCARE INSURANCE - to most people finding individual/family health insurance can be a confusing and stressful process. Many don’t know where to start, but if you start with us we can help alleviate any concerns and issues. We represent the top health insurance carriers which allow us to compare pricing and the benefits available. We will help you through the maze of deductibles, co-insurance, co pays, and prescription coverage. We will help you understand the difference in a PPO, POS or HSA plan and what is best for you. We will also help you understand the ramifications of the health care reforms and legislation with emphasis on how it impacts you and your family.

Here are some situations faced by individuals and families that we can help find solutions for:

  1. Someone who has current individual/family coverage but feel they are paying too much.
  2. Someone who has never had health insurance or hasn’t had coverage recently.
  3. Someone who is coming off a group (employer) healthcare plan and needs individual/family coverage.
  4. Someone who has encountered premium increases/benefit decreases on their group (employer) plan at work, and would like to see their options for individual/family healthcare. We have helped people save hundreds of dollars per month versus group healthcare premiums.
  5. Someone who needs healthcare for a short period of time (up to 12 months) who may between jobs, who may have a 30/60/90 day wait before their benefits start at a new job, a college student who has graduated and is looking for employment, or a 26 year old who can no longer be on their parent’s policy.
  6. Any other unique situation that needs assistance


Give us a call or send an email today.

DENTAL INSURANCE - this insurance is one that is as universally needed as major medical insurance. Everyone needs to maintain good dental health. There are many options for individual dental insurance with many major carriers. We can help you find the plan which meets your needs and your budget.

There are two types of dental plans we recommend. One is a "Pre-Paid” dental plan or sometimes called a co-pay plan and is not really insurance. The costs for services are fixed by the plan and the insured always knows what the cost will be for a certain service. The premium is less on these types of plans than fully insured plans. The trade off is the network is smaller on these plans and the cost of services is normally higher than with a fully insured plan.

The other type of plan is a fully insured plan (a plan that most people are more familiar with and are very similar group (employer) plans. The benefits of the plan cover preventative, basic and major services and can also include orthodontia benefits for children.

Please call or email us today for more information.

VISION INSURANCE - this is a very affordable insurance to allow people an effective way of maintaining visual health. It affords an annual vision check with a co pay along with a benefit for lenses and frames and/or contact lenses. It also affords significant discounts for optional eyeglass upgrades like UV Protection, tinting, etc and on things like Lasik surgery.

Please call or email us today for more information.

Disability Insurance from Allegiance Benefits at WorkDISABILITY - a better name for this type of insurance may be income replacement. Statistics will show that a person is much more likely to be disabled during the working years than they are to die, but many people do not have any or enough coverage or have not even considered disability insurance.

Disability insurance is designed to give a person an income in case their salary is interrupted due to an accident or illness. Depending upon an individual’s understanding of their needs, disability insurance can be obtained for as little as 3 months to as long as their retirement age at 65 or 67 years old. We represent the very best disability insurance carriers which allow us to compare plans and tailor individual plans to specific needs.

We can help with the following individual situations:

  1. Those that currently do not have disability protection.
  2. Those that may have a Long Term Disability Plan (usually at work) that doesn’t offer coverage for the first 90 or 180 days of disability but want to do something on their own to cover that time frame. Most disabilities last 6 months or less.
  3. Those who may have Short Term Disability at work but would like to insure themselves against the catastrophic long term disability.
  4. Those that do not like the design or the cost of the disability plan available to them at work.
  5. Any other unique situation that may arise


Disability is a heavily regulated and most times is a little understood insurance product. We can help you understand your need and develop a plan that is best for you and your family. Give us a call or email us today.

LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE - this product is one of the least understood of insurance products as well as one of the least utilized. Most people today are not prepared for the unexpected need of long term care that is outside health care coverage. Today’s Long term care is much different than the original Nursing Home Insurance. Yes, nursing home costs are potentially the most devastating costs of long term care, but increasingly other forms of care are being utilized by people who need long tem care. Policies today cover, in addition to nursing home expenses, Home Health care, Adult Day Care, Assisted Living, Cash Alternative (which allows a person to arrange for their own in home care with a relative or caregiver) and Hospice.

There are many add-on benefits to long term care today to allow a person to tailor a policy to their needs and lifestyle. One big advantage today is the Partnership option. This allows an individual to exclude an additional portion, over and above the statutory limit, of their estate from the Medicaid spend-down so a larger portion can be maintained and passed along to loved ones. There are now Shared Care options which allow a couple to share benefits, there are cash alternatives, options which allow a policy to be paid up in 10-15 years and many other improvements.

Common questions that people need answers to on long term care are:

  1. At what age should I get a long term care policy?
  2. Should my spouse have coverage also?
  3. What type and amount of coverage do I need?
  4. What “extra” benefits should I add to my coverage?
  5. How long should I plan on to use long term care?
  6. Which carrier is the best alternative?
  7. I don’t understand all the terms used in long term care policies.
  8. How do I protect my estate from Medicaid spend down?
  9. What triggers a long term care claim?
  10. What if I go into long term care and then get better?


We can help you understand long term care and answer these and many other questions that you may have. Everyone should at least understand long term care so they can make an informed decision if it is right for them.

Call or email us today to set up a consultation.

CANCER INSURANCE - Did you know that according to the American Cancer Society:

  1. There are between 1,500,000 and 1,600,000 cases of internal cancer cases diagnosed each year in the U.S.? Almost half of these occur during the working years at 65 or before.
  2. There are on average over 2,000,000 cases of skin cancer diagnosed each year.
  3. It is the second leading killer of individuals in the U.S.
  4. Cancer survival rate is 68%
  5. The three leading cancer types are lung, prostate and breast.


The cost of treating cancer continues to escalate as newer and more comprehensive treatments become available, which many times results in the disease being the most costly medical occurrence a person can endure. Many cancers today, are treated with experimental treatments which may or not be covered by major medical insurance. In addition to the obvious out-of-pocket financial costs of cancer, like deductibles, co pays co-insurance and costs not covered by major medical, there are the hidden costs of cancer, such as, loss of income, travel for care and experimental treatment to name a few.

Cancer insurance is designed to pay benefits directly to the insured to assist with the financial and emotional strain of the disease to allow focus on the physical and getting cured. We represent several carriers with excellent and affordable cancer plans. If you have a family history of cancer or want to be prepared “just in case” give us a call or email us today.

CRITICAL ILLNESS INSURANCE - this insurance is similar to cancer insurance in design and benefits, but it is designed to pay benefits directly to the insured in case of a serious health event. The out of pocket costs from deductibles, co pays, co-insurance, items not covered by healthcare (like travel for care, loss of income, home modifications, etc) can be substantial. These policies are designed to help relieve the financial and emotional strain and allow focus on the physical and getting better. A major use of these policies is with heart attack and strokes as cardio-vascular issues are some of the most expensive healthcare events to treat.

Events typically covered by a Critical Illness policy are:

  1. Heart Attack
  2. Stroke
  3. Cancer
  4. Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
  5. End Stage Renal (Kidney) Failure
  6. Others


To get more details call us or email us today

ACCIDENT INSURANCE - the third largest health care expense in the U.S. is the treatment of accidental injuries. These plans pay benefits directly to the insured for assistance with the out-of-pocket expenses not reimbursed by major medical, such as deductibles, co pays, co-insurance, loss of income, home modifications among others.

To add the security of financial stability in case of any type of accidental injury give us a call or send us an email today.


  1. Medicare Supplement- for those newly eligible for Medicare or those who may be interested in looking at other options we offer Medicare Supplement insurance. Medicare Supplements basically cover all expenses that Medicare itself does not cover. These include the deductibles, co-pays and co insurance as well as some things not covered by original Medicare. The plan designs are pre-determined by Medicare and the decisions you make are around the amount and depth of coverage you would like to have. We can help you understand each plan and the costs involved to meet your budget constraints. During the open enrollment time of when you first go on Medicare there is no underwriting and you are guaranteed coverage regardless of your health condition.
  2. Part D Drug Coverage- Part D of Medicare provides for Prescription Drug Coverage. These plans are overseen by Medicare and coverage is provided by insurance companies. There are minimum standards each plan must adhere to but there are varying costs and premiums. We can help you see the options which are available for you based on any maintenance drugs you may be taking or believe you may take in the future. We maintain all the necessary certifications and training required by Medicare.


We can assist anyone who is aging into Medicare or who qualifies under other circumstances, those who are Medicare eligible already but have been on and are coming off of a group (employer) major medical plan, and anyone who is on Medicare and may just want to see if there are some better or more cost effective options.

Please call us today or send us an email for more details.

TRAVEL INSURANCE - Did you know that your Major Medical coverage may not cover you if you are travelling out of the U.S. or if it does it may cover you as “out-of-network” which means your deductible and co-insurance is probably much higher? We offer travel insurance products to cover this gap in your insurance protection.

Whether you are travelling once or if you are a frequent out-of-country traveler, we can develop a plan for you and/or your family that is surprisingly affordable. We also have plans specifically designed for the business traveler.

In addition to offering primary health insurance coverage these plans can also provide emergency evacuation in the case of a health condition or a political situation in the country you are in. Also the plans cover lost baggage expenses, delayed flight assistance including temporary lodging and/or meals, trip interruption coverage, 24 hour worldwide telephone access to assistance in obtaining medical care and other services.

It is very affordable and can be purchased on a trip by trip basis for the casual infrequent traveler to annual programs for the frequent traveler.

Call us today or send us an email to see if this is something you may be interested in.

PET INSURANCE - Just as human health maintenance costs continue to escalate, so does the cost of maintaining your pet’s health. There are affordable plans available that allow you to have financial assistance in the case of a serious injury or illness to your pet. Most veterinarians accept the coverage. If you have a pet and are concerned about the cost of a serious injury or illness and the impact it could have on your budget, this may be something you will want to investigate.

Please call us today or email us for more information.